Coming Soon

See below for the stuff I've got planned for 2013.

For adults:

A couple of years ago I came up with an idea for an animated series called Carter and Stubbs, which was about two robots doing a mindless job on a battle-torn planet at the arse end of the universe. I made the films myself using some free online software, so I was quite limited in what I could do, but I enjoyed the challenge. You can still see the results by clicking here. The first two episodes were sort of standalone pieces, just me mucking about with a new piece of software. Then I started to bring a bit of story into it. As I say, I was slightly constrained by the limitations of the software, but I was pleased enough with the results. I think I can go a bit further with the characters though, so I’m turning Carter and Stubbs into a book. But it’s nowhere near being finished yet.

After Carter and Stubbs I wanted to try my hand at another animated series so I wrote Psycho Analysis about a guy in therapy and his therapist. It didn’t really work for reasons far too tedious to go into here. But I really like the idea and had fun writing the scripts. So, at some point in the future I’ll be giving it a go. But not yet.

For kids:

THE BEAST OF THNICKETT (working title)
Can’t really say too much about this as I don’t know all the details myself. But it’s got a murderous beast in a forest terrorising villagers, an absent minded king who doesn’t realise that he no longer has an army, a group of 1000 year old knights. I could go on. But it’s all over the place at the moment so it would be pointless to say more as it could all change.

I’m quite excited about this one. A story written from the point of view of a ten year old boy who discovers some strange abilities after he gets exposed to a weird meteorite. There’s a haunted house and a mysterious next door neighbour in it too. Ooer.

Still needs a lot of work, this one and there are only so many hours in the day, but basically Horace the Gnonk wakes up one morning to discover a huge spot on the end of his nose. He goes off to get the spot removed by a wizard and things go from bad to worse.